Parent Tours – Reception and Nursery 2024 (and in year admissions) Please contact the office to book a space!
Call: 020 8743 5073
We currently have a Nursery unit at Wormholt Park School.
From September 2024, children will be admitted on a part-time basis only, unless they have the 30 hour code.
You are welcome to apply for a place at our nursery after your child has turned 2.
Please note however, that children will not be admitted to nursery until after their 3rd birthday.
You are welcome to come into the school to complete a form.
Please find below links to the Primary Schools Admission page on the LBHF Website. If you have any questions relating to this process please speak to Kim Taylor in the School Office.
The process for applying for schools as an in-year applicant has changed. Please click below to find out information on how to apply.
Moving on to Secondary School