School Calendar

Here is our school’s event calendar – make sure to check back regularly for updates!

September 2023

  • 6th September – Start of term
  • 7th September – School uniform recycling
  • 11th September– Y1 & Y2 Curriculum meeting for parents from 3.15pm
  • 12th September – secondary school transfer Workshop for parents from 9.00am
  • 12th September – Y3 & Y4 Curriculum meeting for parents from 3.15pm
  • 14th September – Y5 & Y6 Curriculum meeting for parents from 3.15pm
  • 28th September – Workshop for Parents: Zones of Regulation
  • 29th  September – Birthday Bash

October 2023

  • 2nd October – Harvest Festival
  • 3rd October –Lending library
  • 3rd  October – School uniform recycling
  • 12th October – Class Photos
  • 12th October – Workshop for Parents: Reading
  • 17th October – Parents Coffee Morning
  • 20th  October – Birthday Bash
  • 20th October – End of Term
  • 30th  October – Return to school

November 2023

  • 9th November – School uniform recycling
  • 10th November – Santiago Class (Y6) Assembly
  • 20th November – Parents Coffee Morning
  • 22nd November- EYFS Workshop for Parents – Learning Books
  • 24th November – Wellington Class (Y3) Assembly
  • 24th November – Birthday Bash

December 2023

  • 12th December – Parents Coffee Morning
  • 15th December – Birthday Bash
  • 21st December – End of term 1.30pm Finish

January 2024

  • 9th January  – Return to School
  • 11th January – School Uniform Recycling
  • 22nd January – Parents coffee morning
  • 26th January – La Paz (Y2) Class Assembly
  • 26th January – Birthday Bash
  • 30th January – Stay & Play

February 2024

• 2nd February – Tokyo (Y5) Class Assembly
• 9th February – End of term
• 19th February – Back to school
• 20th February – Stay & Play
• 20th February – School uniform recycling
• 23rd February – Birthday Bash
• 27th February – Parents Coffee Morning

March 2024

  • 1st March – Athens (Y4) Class Assembly
  • 5th March – SATs meeting for Year 6 Parents
  • 7th March – World Book Day
  • 8th March – Washington (Y3) Class Assembly
  • 19th March – Stay & Play
  • 22nd  March – Havana (Y1) Class Assembly
  • 24th March – Birthday Bash
  • 27th March – Parents Coffee Morning
  • 28th  March – 1.30pm End of Term

April 2024

• 15th April – Return to School
• 16th April – School Uniform Recycling
• 26th April – Birthday Bash

May 2024

• 6th May – Bank Holiday – School Closed
• 13th to 16th May – KS2 SATs
• 14th May – School Uniform Recycling
• 17th May – Harare (Y1) Class Assembly
• 24th May – Birthday Bash
• 24th May – End of Term

June 2024

  • 3rd June  – Back to School
  • 12th June – KS1 & EYFS Sports Day
  • 13th June – KS2 Sports Day
  • 17th June – INSET DAY
  • 20th June – Dublin Class Sports Day
  • 21st June – Ottawa (Reception) Class Assembly
  • 25th June  – School Uniform Recycling
  • 28th June – Birthday Bash

July 2024

  • 12th July – Y6 Leavers Show from 2pm
  • 17th July – Summer Fete from 4pm to 6pm
  • 19th July – Birthday Bash
  • 23rd July – End of Term. School closes at 1.30pm